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 About TechALLNews

Techallnews is a leading technology media property,dedicated to obsessively profiling

startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Techallnews is redefining storytelling by documenting and shaping the digital revolution in a new voice, new formats and cutting-edge technologies to a uniquely dedicated audience.

Award techallnewsTechnology isn’t all about bits and processors. It’s the car with no driver, human organs printed in a lab and leisurely flights into space. It’s the future and we’re here to tell you all about it.

Founded in June 2011, Techallnews and its network of websites now reach over 1 million unique visitors. The Techallnews community includes more than 2 million friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and other social media.
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Since 2012, Techallnews has exhaustively covered cutting edge devices and the technology that powers them. As we enter our second decade, we’re looking beyond the gadgets themselves to explore how they impact our lives.


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AuthorTECHALLNEWS story began on May22,2011 when founder jon phillips launched a blog from his home in San Francisco.

“I started my first website in August 2010 with free hosting and domain name. I began to take interest in blogging. I started learning how to create a blog, how to code and how to maintain it. I created few Blogspot blogs as well. I did lot of research, reading every ebook I could. I read tons of articles, used various tools to learn the tricks of the trade. My thirst for learning the latest web technologies such as HTML, CSS equipped me with the skill of web design.

I thought it would be a really good idea to help educate others and raise awareness along the way. I want to share what I have learned so far and what I continue to learn through blogging so that I can be of assistance in some way to improve their blogs.

On 22May,2011 my first professional websites was live.

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